Monday, September 14, 2009

Oh Monday...

Good morning, one and all.
Today finds me chilly, tired, and a bit frustrated.
Chilly is easily explained- it is almost autumn, and it is getting much cooler up here, although they are predicting a high of 80 today, so hopefully I will warm up soon. I don't like being cold.
I am tired because I'm a seminary student! I have a lot of work to do today, and hopefully I will get it all done. I did not sleep well all last week, so I pray that this week will be different.
Now, as to why I am frustrated...
There are several reasons. One is that I still do not have hot water. It has been over a week (this is day 9)and while it could be MUCH worse, it is still beginning to get old. However, they are supposed to come and replace the hot water heater and boiler tomorrow, so soon I will be a very happy camper.
Secondly, I am frustrated with men. What else is new, lol. Just, simple things like, make your intentions/desires clear. If you just want to be friends, make that obvious. If you're going to walk a girl home, walk her home. If you say you're going to call tomorrow, make sure you call. Little things like that.
Thirdly...last night was supposed to be the first youth meeting at my new church in my new position. I got icecream and toppings, planned good welcome activities, got my house all cleaned...guess how many showed up.
Now, I understand that school just started, and I understand that they have homework and projects (projects? already?) and I understand that fall sports have started...but I am still disappointed. I am trying to remain positive, and to just cheerfully say, "We'll try again next week," but the tired, chilly, frustrated part of me is trying to take it personally. *sigh*

I need to get started on my To-Do list...Biblical Lit. paper, here I come.

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