Friday, January 21, 2011

The Beginning of my Crazy Quilt

The other day I, rather impulsively, began a quilt.
Now, I haven't quilted in years, and my few attempts have often failed. However, I felt a sudden urge to be creative, and my bag of scraps and sewing machine called my name.
My squares are probably not perfectly square, and not all the pieces are stitched together perfectly; but this quilt's only purpose is to serve as a creative outlet for me, and I am going to try to put my perfectionism aside (otherwise I'll just give up).

I used dark fabrics for my first block; a dark wash denim (that I used both the right and wrong sides of), a pair of black slacks that were in need of mending (who was I kidding- I don't mend!), and an old tie Evan had put in the "Give Away Basket." I didn't have a pattern in mind, I just started sewing pieces together.
This is what I got:

And, as I created it, a theme and pattern came to me.
Are you ready for it?

"In the beginning"

So, if this first block were to be accompanied by a commentary, it would read as such:
In the beginning 
when God created the heavens
and the earth,
the earth was a formless void
and darkness covered the face of the deep...
[Genesis 1:1-2a]

Here is the second block I made, although it may need to be third in the sequence if I'm going to strictly follow the scripture:

 Then God said,

"Let there be light";

and there was light.

I stitched the body of the sun on by hand- not sure if you can see the pink thread or not. I tried to show the light emerging out of the darkness and chaos from the first block.

And here are the two side by side : )

That's all for now! We'll see how I progress.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 Wrap Up

Happy New Year!!!!

Considering it's almost noon on 1-1-11 I may be a little late with that greeting, but who cares? : ) I meant to post this last night (while it was still 2010) but never got around to it. Story of my life.


Here are a few things that have happened since I last posted (in September...I'm a bad blogger, lol)

- I served as Interim Music Director at UMC Madison in addition to being Assistant Pastor
- Evan and I got two adorable kittens, Vinny and Yoko (I'll write about them sometime soon and post pictures)
- Evan and I got officially engaged!!! (I'll write about this too!)
- I made the decision to transfer to the New England Annual Conference, and told my family

I think those are the BIG things that have happened in these last few months!

Here's to the new year! May it be filled with peace, joy and countless blessings!!!