Thursday, January 1, 2009

Out with the old?

After looking back and realizing that I have not posted anything in quite a while, I thought I would take this time (while I am unable to sleep!) to do what most people are doing tonight; reflecting on the past year, and what lies ahead.
2008 was an interesting year; parts of it were wonderful, while other parts were a real struggle. But that's the old, and we're supposed to move on to the new, right?
So 2009, here I come.
I really am very excited about this upcoming year; there will be so many changes, so many adventures to be had...I love adventures. : ) Humor me, as I list a few of the "new" things this year will bring (I am a list fanatic- I love lists).
-practicum with DeLyn in music and worship and stuff
-senior recital
-going to Italy
-graduating from an undergraduate university
-doing mission work in Honduras
-going to seminary!!!

Things I am not necessarily excited about but that can't be avoided:
-six months of counseling (because I "failed" my psychological...if I wasn't stressed before, I certainly am now!)
-leaving Fork

I know I keep referring to this phrase, but I have to say it again: "Out with the old, in with the new." I am finding that I don't agree with this. A part of me desperately wants to be able to just throw away any and all painful or embarrassing memories- and yet, we need these. They help shape who we are, provide learning opportunities about ourselves and others, and sometimes give a new perspective (<- this may not be the right word- I'm also very tired) on things. For example, my first college experience. When I left Peabody, I was miserable! It was a struggle to get out of bed in the morning in order to go to class. From there I bounced around, with less than satisfactory college experiences, until I came to Shenandoah. I can only describe coming to Shenandoah as coming home; for the first time, out of all the schools I had "tried on," I felt like I belonged. Would it really have been so special, would I really have been so in tune to that feeling, if I hadn't first experienced all those negative feelings at other schools? I don't think so. And I don't regret attending all those schools- looking back I can clearly see a journey in my leading up to my call today.
I think this applies to all parts of our lives. Take our "love" lives. It's cliche, but is true; there is something to be learned from every relationship. All too often, it seems lessons learned come from the school of hard knocks, learned the hard way. Sometimes it isn't until after we have healed that we can step back, and look back, to see what we can take from that experience. But sometimes, even after we think we've healed, those old hurts will come out of nowhere to bite you in the butt. Even without that, sometimes in looking back we are able to see recurring themes. Maybe it's how we do (or don't) communicate, or how we react to a specific thing no matter the person we're with. Maybe it's not a thing, per say, but an actual person, that keeps popping in and out of your life.
This may just be rambling, but my point, in all of this, is that it's important to remember. All too often people tell you to forget- but I don't want to. I don't want to forget the lessons I've learned, or the people that have touched my life, or the things, both good AND bad, that have shaped me into the person that I am today.
I look forward to 2009- I think, and pray, that it brings a lot of positive change for me.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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