On November 1 I gave the sermon at the church I am currently serving. Like many pastors, Saturday morning dawned and I did not have a single word on paper. While in the shower, I figured out my sermon outline, intending on writing it as soon as I got finished. However, life got in the way, and it was several hours later before I was able to sit down to write my sermon. By then, all my thoughts had left me, and I was left staring blankly at my computer screen. Taking the advice of a friend, I headed home and back to my place of inspiration: the shower. This was the result:
I think for Christmas I would like those special markers you can get children to play with in the tub...
The final version of my sermon, was, of course, more fleshed out, and not written on my shower wall.
(I was going to post my sermon, but it is rather long...if it would like to read it, let me know, and I will post it).
oh, it did. I used eye-liner, so with a little scrubbing it came off no problem. ; )